Rosh Hashanah eCards

Share your blessings and good wishes with an ecard for Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.

Reach out to friends, family, and the community with a joyful ecard to wish them a Happy Rosh Hashanah or send them a beautiful and solemn greeting to commemorate Yom Kippur. Choose your favourite among our carefully prepared cards or create your very own greeting card to mark the holy time.


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Send greetings for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the two “High Holy Days” of the Jewish faith, are dear reminders to slow down, reflect, and count one's blessings including the importance of the people around us who matter the most.

Whether you would like to send a joyful greeting to celebrate the “head of the year” on Rosh Hashana or make amends with an extended hand to someone in your life, a personal and beautiful ecard for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur will give you the opportunity to reach out to friends, family, and community near or far.

Here is how to celebrate the beginning of the new year.

When is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?

Starting on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew Calendar, the dates of the Jewish New Year will vary from year to year, but will mostly fall in either September or October. Beginning with Rosh Hashanah, commemorating the creation of the world, the 10 Days of Awe is observed culminating in the Yom Kippur holiday also known as the Day of Atonement.

In 2025 Rosh Hashanah will begin at sunset on Monday, September 22, and will run through nightfall on Wednesday, September 24.

Yom Kippur 2025 begins on the evening of October 1st and ends at the evening of October 2nd.

Whome should I send the Rosh Hashanah ecard to?

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with friends, family, and community by sending them your best wishes and the most beautiful blessings with an ecard made especially for the occasion. Reaching out to wish all the people in your life “Shanah Tovah” has never been easier!

The holidays are always a welcome opportunity to get together with the people that you appreciate the most. Even if you are not able to sit down at the same table to enjoy the sweet honey-dipped apples or challah bread, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to let the people in your life know that they are in your thoughts during this special time.

You will find Rosh Hashanah ecard options for both the closest relatives and people a bit further out in your circle. Here are some ideas for whom you should definitely consider putting on your recipient list this year.

  • To parents and grandparents

Your close family like your parents and grandparents will likely naturally find their way to the top of your mental recipient list for your Rosh Hashanah cards. Send them a special card with a sweet and loving note to let them know how grateful you are for everything they have done for you through the years.

  • To your children and grandchildren

Sending a fun and joyful Rosh Hashanah greeting card to your children and grandchildren will be a great way to get them involved and excited about the special occasion and to let them know how much you love them. The animated ecards and catching music will help you get their full attention!

  • To friends

Friends can be characterized as our selected family. They are the people we choose to have around us both when times are good and bad. Send your friends a Rosh Hashanah ecard to wish them a great new year and let them know how much you appreciate having them in your life.

  • To members of the community

If you attend synagogue you will likely have formed a connection with other members of the religious community and your rabbi of course. Acknowledge the special bond and send them a card with the best wishes and blessings for a healthy and happy beginning of the New Year.

  • To collegues

Even your colleagues and community members like neighbors, your kids’ teachers etc. who might not observe the holiday themselves will appreciate that you include them in your thoughts during Rosh Hashanah. Share the spirit of the holy time with them and send them a sweet Rosh Hashanah ecard to wish them well.

The easy way to reach out for Rosh Hashanah

With a digital card, you can let the sound of the shofar be heard across the globe in mere minutes. It has never been easier. Choose your favorite among our exclusive selection of Rosh Hashanah cards and have it sent to the recipient's email and smartphone straight away or schedule the delivery for your chosen time.